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42nd Street

​- ​Master Electrician

This show required the construction of intricate signage as well as a lit show portal. All of the sign borders and the show portal were wired to have a 3 circuit chase. In total there were over 2000 individual lights that required circuiting. The show also required two small foot lights to be put on roving stands for a shadow ballet. We used two old fresnel bodies and installed 12v MR16 lamps and switches show that actors could turn the instruments on and off as needed.


Producing Artistic Director: Wayne Bryan

Director: Jon Engstrom

Lighting Design: David Neville

Scenic Design: Bruce Brockman

Costume Design: Debbie Roberts

Sound Design: David Muehl
Music Theatre Wichita

Catch Me If You Can

​- ​Master Electrician

This brand new scenic design required the construction of 4 large sliding panels. We installed RBG Led tape in each panel and rigged the cable so that the panels could travel across the entire width of the stage. We also built signage using EL wire and surgical tubing, and we built office lights using flex neon.


Producing Artistic Director: Wayne Bryan

Lighting Design: David Neville

Scenic Design: Robert Andrew Kovach

Costume Design: Dixon Renoylds

Sound Design: David Muehl
Music Theatre Wichita

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

​- ​Master Electrician

This was a 20 year old set that had gone out on countless rentals. When the set was handed over to my team the condtion of the wireing was very poor and unorganized. With over 1700 sockets and a 4 circuit chase built in, it was a huge project to clean up and make repairs. We organized and labled the wireing to ensure the quick load in for the next rental.

Producing Artistic Director: Wayne Bryan

Directors: Lyndy Franklin Smith and Jeromy Smith

Lighting Design: David Neville

Scenic Design: J Branson

Costume Design: Shawn-Adrian DeCou
Music Theatre Wichita

Westside Story

​- ​Master Electrician

This was a brand new set and it was the first time I was able to work with and program a wireless dimmer. We used the 2-channel wireless dimmer in the dress shop scenic unit to ensure that it could be freely moved on and off stage. We also worked closely with the properties department on the construction and lighting of a juke box that was fully fabricated for this production.


Producing Artistic Director: Wayne Bryan

Director: Mark Madama

Lighting Design: David Neville

Scenic Designer: Robert Andrew Kovach

Costume Design: Dixon Reynolds

Sound Design: David Muehl
Music Theatre Wichita

South Pacific

​- ​Master Electrician

This rental set required some TLC when it arrived to us. We installed new sconces, cleaned up some strand lighting for the stage, and installed a fogger for the laundry unit.

Producing Artistic Director: Wayne Bryan

Lighting Design: David Neville

Scenic Design: David Yeargan

Costume Design: Catherine Zuber

Sound Design: David Muehl
Music Theatre Wichita


​- ​Master Electrician

This classic Lorca play was challenging due to the enormous raked stage which prevented us from using any form of genie lift. Added dances called for booms as well as steep top spots.

Director: Deb Alley

Scenic Design: Andy Forbes
Lighting Design: Patrick Crossland
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre

Gruesome Playground Injuries

​- ​Master Electrician

This show gave me the opportunity to work on pull string practicals as well as hidden hospital lighting.

Director: Julian Verner

Scenic Design: Andy Forbes
Lighting Design: Patrick Crossland
Costume Design: Heather White
Texas State University Studio Theatre

Anything Goes

-Assistant Master Electrcian


The opening show in our new space provided us with many challenges. Many kinks to be worked out with a new lighting rig. I learned about new LED color washes and LED moving lights.

Director: Kaitlin Hopkins

Choreographer: Cassie Abate

Scenic Design: Michelle Ney
Lighting Design: Sarah E.C. Maines
Costume Design: Shelia Hargett

Texas State University Patti Strickel Harrison Theatre

Adrift in Macao

-Assistant Stage Manager


As assistant stage manager I was in charge of all properties and stage movement. I acted as the deck manager and the back up to the PSM.

Director: Kaitlin Hopkins

Choreographer: Cassie Abate

Scenic Design: Erin Kinkade
Lighting Design: Brandon H. Rosen
Costume Design: Isabella Fuentes

PSM: Kat Carson
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre

Richard III

-Assitant Master Electrician

-Projections Assistant (lighting)

This was the first time I worked in film. We had specialized prerecorded sequences that gave the audience information about what happened just before the start of the play. We also utilized a special effect fog sequence to create a intricate ghost sequence.

Director: Chuck Ney

Scenic Design: Michelle Ney
Lighting Design: Sarah EC Maines
Costume Design: Michelle Ney

Projections Design: Christopher Sousa-Wynn
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre




This show involved a multi-level platform that spanned the entire width of the stage. There was also a 11' x 7' rotating container that had to be capable of supporting up to 10 cast members on top.

Director: Kaitlin Hopkins

Scenic Design: Andy Forbes
Lighting Design: Patrick Crossland
Costume Design: Desiree Humphries
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre

Lend Me a Tenor


I had the opportunity to not only work as an electrician, but also build, wire, and mount 12 pink sconses on the set as practicals. I also programmed for the lighting designer.

Director: Dr. Richard Sodders

Scenic Designer: Erin Kinkade
Lighting Designer: Brandon Rosen
Costume Designer: Karen Mendenhall
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre

Into the Woods




This was the first time I was able to hang and program LED wash fixtures for a designer. The designer used 4 LED color washes to punch his side light.

Director: Michael Costello

Scenic Design: Christopher Sousa-Wynn
Lighting Design: Jesse Wyman
Costume Design: Sheila Hargett
Texas State University Mainstage Theatre

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